Saturday Ride to the Rex

On Saturday I did my long ride to Lake Erie again.  This time my friend Jeff rode out to the half way point with me.  The half way point for us was the Rex Hotel which is not the fanciest place around but it has the best pizza this side of the border and they know how to pour draft (OV).  The outside patio was gone but we just wheeled our bikes inside and ordered lunch.  Pizza and wings a beer and a half, Jeff's wife came to pick him up and take him to their next Saturday venue and I rode the rest of the way to the Point.    

The second half of the ride seemed to take longer.  The ride home yesterday was even longer.  

Bicycling with a friend is always better.


  • Phil Bergen

    Long rides provide an opportunity to test your mental and physical endurance. Bicycling is an excellent social activity. Conversation and ideas flow more naturally and easily when the body is active and blood is pumping through your veins. Solo rides can be a time of quiet reflection or an opportunity to work out problems or review challenging situations. There is also a feeling of accomplishment upon completion of a ride. Bicycling is excellent mental and physical therapy, however, it can become an addictive behaviour!

  • Phil Bergen

    Long rides provide an opportunity to test your mental and physical endurance. Bicycling is an excellent social activity. Conversation and ideas flow more naturally and easily when the body is active and blood is pumping through your veins. Solo rides can be a time of quiet reflection or an opportunity to work out problems or review challenging situations. There is also a feeling of accomplishment upon completion of a ride. Bicycling is excellent mental and physical therapy, however, it can become an addictive behaviour!

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